
My studio design work is an exploration of the emotional possibilities of things. I believe the things we live with – what they look like, what they’re made of, and how they work – have a profound impact on what we imagine is real and possible. I believe in a Design that is against the tacit traditions of toxic masculinity and heteronormativity, and that actively complicates the tendency towards neatness and conclusivity that our binary culture engenders. I am interested in objects that disrupt our paradigms of utility and fail at their assigned roles in complex and gorgeous ways. As a former carpenter, actor, and bartender I am interested equally in how things are made, how stories are told, and how space is held.

I have an equal fetish for High Craft and low-brow blue-collar materials. I am fascinated with the everyday domestic objects that we have the most intimate relationships with and discovering ways to bring magic to these banal encounters.

Now I tell you that I have a Bachelor of Arts in Theater and Dance from Amherst College. I hate this tradition of listing academic credentials, but I indulge because the word Bachelor is funny to me and the fact that I have a degree in dance is hilarious to me and no one in Michigan has heard of Amherst College.